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Museum of Digital Art forced to close its doors (muda.co)
101 points by dsr12 on July 2, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

A pity, and probably just one of many.

That hovering, wobbling, undismissable "we're open" message is rather obnoxious.

When you curate Art, everything looks like a wall to hang canvas.

That's a damn shame, I visited MuDa in 2018 and found it to be a very interesting museum.

Glad that we'll get to keep all the institutional real-estate investors though...

This may be a silly question, but why were they paying rent during the pandemic? Almost all non-profits I've talked to stopped paying bills months ago aside from payroll and utilities, figuring it is better to be getting complaints from landlords than to shut down.

Some landlords are not easy to work with. Our non-profit is paying half rent, as thats the best we could get out of them, but it took months for them to come around. They were very clear that if we did not pay they'd invoke the clauses in the rent that incur penalties. We were ready to break the lease and move, but they ended up working with us. Sure, there are no commercial evictions now, but they can always call it late rent when things go back to normal and demand it then.

The USA values money above 100% of other things. In all cases, in all situations. Reading comments on HN over the past 4 years, I've also noticed that's basically what half the people in here are after now too.

This particular museum is in the Europe so looks like the problems exist there too.

Sad to see, and a great museum.

If interested, the last exhibit is by Raven Kwok - https://twitter.com/ravenkwok

Curated by an algorithm

Does anyone know how that worked?

    var exhibition = proposals[Math.floor(Math.random() * proposals.length)];

This is literally what I do for my art website.


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