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iOS14 reveals that TikTok may snoop clipboard contents every few keystrokes (twitter.com/jeremyburge)
1847 points by georgespencer on June 24, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 591 comments

It seems like a ton of apps are abusing this feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRSWdtoUAjo

I categorize this as another reason why "just trust us," just isn't acceptable enough when it comes to data privacy and ownership. Companies just cannot be trusted to treat their users' data with respect given the option of: profit or privacy.

(sourced from reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/hejb9i/ios14_catches...)

People love to hate on Apple but the fact is, they continue to release features to better showcase or restrict developers that abuse your privacy. The "walled garden" also ensures they apply a ton of checks to apps to better restrict abuses. Sometimes it's overly sensitive and bad things happen, but in general it's awesome that over time it becomes harder and harder to get away with apps blatantly spying on you.

I am certainly happy about the steady pro-privacy process. I personally consider Apple full of shit until two features are released:

1. Contact sharing needs a complete overhaul. Some apps need to have access to my contacts. I get this. But they only need the name and the phone number. They don’t need addresses, birthdays and additional notes I put in m contacts.

Sure, I could have a separate contacts app with "meta data", but this would break the integration of Contacts in other Apple products.

2. Photos. It is either full access or no access. For example, I don’t trust WhatsApp. I share photos through WhatsApp by opening the Photos app, tap share, share via WhatsApp. This works okay.

But generally speaking: why can’t Contacts and Photos have the same sophisticated access control system like Health? Heck, make it optional for iPhone users, but at least offer it.

Looks like photos is addressed in iOS 14 https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/06/24/apple-fine-tunes-...

Agree tighter control over contacts sharing would be nice but I don’t think it’s malicious on Apple’s part that this isn’t possible - they’ve quite clearly shown they are on the side of user privacy, but they do also tend to move at a fairly slow pace

This seems to increase the amount of work a user has to do in practice. I suspect most users will end up sharing the entire library. From the link above:

> There's also the entirely new option Select Photos..., which leads the user through to the Camera Roll to pick one or more images to share. It is specifically images that users can opt to share, rather than albums.

> Which then means there is an issue that the next time a user wants to post an image, they find their selection confined to solely the ones they specified before. To change that and allow all or just different images, the user has to go to Settings on their iPhone.

My wishlist for fixing photo privacy on iOS:

1) Applications don't need to ask for permission to write photos to iOS folders. These get written to a separate album ($appName or $appDeveloperName by default), e.g. if you save a photo from Twitter it gets saved to your Twitter folder.

2) Photos taken by the iPhone Camera (presumably your personal photos) get stored in a special 'Camera' folder. Apps can ask for read/write permissions specifically here. Eg a photo editing app like VSCO or Darkroom may only need read permissions to begin with, but if it also wants to in-place replace your photos with its edited photos, it'll need read+write permission as well.

3) What about apps that occasionally need access to photos (e.g. social media apps) but you don't want them to have access to everything? The solution is to implement a OS-level photo picker in iOS with a UI can't be over-ridden and which makes clear you're sharing your selected photos with $appName. And ensure apps which want access to photos have to make the user go through the OS-level photo picker.

> he solution is to implement a OS-level photo picker in iOS with a UI can't be over-ridden and which makes clear you're sharing your selected photos with $appName.

This has existed forever - in fact, for far longer than applications have had the option of requesting full access to your camera roll. Unfortunately most applications have decided they prefer to take over the experience, and provide absolutely no fallback option if you reject giving them access.

Apple really just needs to make it mandatory to present a UIImagePickerController instead of whatever "integrated experience" an app provides when permissions to the photo library are denied. That would have been a much saner solution than this abomination - I don't want Teams to have the ability to wander around my photo library just so I can share a quick snap of a whiteboard. But I don't get a choice, because denying permission just makes it throw an error message up saying it doesn't have access.

From using my app on iOS 14 it appears the way it works is based on you accessing the photos library. So it goes like this:

Initial launch - user chooses a few photos. User switches apps, and returns - the same photos are selected. User force quits app (or doesn't use app for a few days and it gets killed off) User opens app, and is then prompted whether they want to "Keep Current Selection" or "Select More Photos" the first time the app accesses the photo library in some way (I think this is based on when you do a photo permissions check, but not positive.)

#3 has existed since the iPhone added apps - UIImagePickerViewController - if you use it, you don't need photo permissions and you only get access to the photo the user selected. Most social media apps probably just skip using this because they want photos permission everywhere to do things like "post latest photo" or to show their own photo picker UI.

Select photos seems reasonable and if it's implemented right then it should be no more work than I was about to do anyway (select specific photos to share).

That is incredibly good news, thanks for the link.

That's a very good start. I hope the feedback during the beta causes those controls to evolve a little bit so that it's more straightforward to change which photos an app can access.

The choice of only allowing access to specific actual photos seems an unusual one.

I would have thought there was a big debate in Product Mgmt over this vs the more obvious allow an app access to a given album.

One presumes the sticking point came when someone took a photo out of an album. Does that mean they are explicitly removing access? I don't see it as a huge issue... maybe there is some kind of technical hurdle involved as well, otherwise the choice seems unusual

Do normal people really use albums? Other than the autogenerated ones I have a single one, from 2013.

Nailed it. Using albums is the engineer’s answer to what is technically best. In the real world it doesn’t work because nobody knows how to, much less actually uses albums. And even if you do, what are the chances you have an album with exactly the photos you want to share? So you’ve got to select the pics you want anyway, but now you’ve also got to create an album first to put them in. It just adds to the work and confused and irritates people.

Yes they do. People who value the curation of their photos will take the time to do it. I create an album for any event etc. which I expect I'll want to photograph. It's easier to share and re-share the same set of photos, and it acts like a log of cool stuff.

Also, I don't have to scroll through months of memes to get to that one good photo I took in July 2017... or was it August..... maybe it was 2016......... shit.

> People who value the curation of their photos will take the time to do it.

Sounds like only something people who aren’t stressed from their underpaid jobs can do? Most people are kept busy and don’t have time to fit into this dark (corporate app) pattern.

If you're underpaid you should probably ask yourself if you need an expensive smartphone...

Plenty of people use photography as an escape from their work stress. I just don't understand what your point is.

The argument is that many corporate apps upload things without the user's consent or prior knowledge (revealed here by iOS 14 [1]).

Your post was in my eyes saying this issue was up to individual users to tackle. I disagree with that. I think it is instead the governments' role to regulate and reel in predatory and parasitic corporations.

[1] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/06/25/tiktok-sto...

My wife is not in a tech related industry, so I consider her "normal," and yes, she does use albums.

She has albums for work stuff. She has albums for home decorating ideas. She has albums for the various screenshots she collects of things she wants to remember. She has albums for different places she's been.

I know that the people she's friends with use albums because I've heard it mentioned.

I think normal people use albums. Tech people don't. Which explains why a company like Apple, that tries hard to court normal people, not tech people, has them.

I, like probably a lot of iOS users, don't have any albums. I just have the Camera Roll, which contains several years of my life history.

I've had an iPhone for years. I didn't even know albums existed. I've just noticed the tab in Photos when I went looking for it after reading your comment. And it turns out, I do have one other album already, with a couple of photos in it, though I have no idea why or whether I created the album or how the photos got there or what purpose it serves.

When it comes to security features, simple and obvious behaviour is good, pretty much always. The same is true of user interface design, and the lack of both documentation and natural discoverability on iOS has always been a pretty glaring weakness of the platform. Complexity creates edge cases, and edge cases create vulnerabilities, including due to misunderstandings and resulting human error.

Judging by the other replies to the parent comment, apparently I'm not alone here, so I'm guessing if Apple did any user research about this, that "big debate" probably lasted a few seconds...

Agreed. The semantics should be like <input type=file> and let me pick one or more each time.

I take a lot of photos and I use the album feature a lot. But when I am going to for example post a photo to Instagram I don’t at all want to have to put the photo in a dedicated Instagram album just so I can post it. That is to say, one mans “obvious solution” can be another mans annoyance.

Nailed it. That must be it :-)

Interesting that you "personally consider Apple full of shit until..." and then demand _they_ be more granular (It is either full access or no access.) Couldn't you consider Apple partially filled with shit?

Ok, if you take it literal: Apple is partially filled with shit, because they try to tackle privacy but seem to miss some very obvious design choices where users would benefit a lot if they were implemented properly.

As I said, I'm glad they tackled the Photos problem. But of course, I could ask what took them YEARS to do so. They even have a private album in Photos but didn't think that some apps shouldn't get access to these pictures?

There's totally a middle ground between 'full access and no access'. Apps can show UIImagePickerControllers and CNContactPickerViewControllers whenever they want, without any permissions. They then get the photo[s]/contact info the user picks.

Which is exactly what most apps actually need.

WhatsApp has no good reason to look at any image you aren't explicitly choosing to share right now. The only user-facing WhatsApp feature that requires Photo library access is the scrolling list of recent photos on top of the in-app camera.

WhatsApp has a better case for asking to continually scan your contacts to show you people with accounts. But instead of just falling back to asking for a phone number when you don't give permission, it could show the contact picker, and check the accounts you pick.

Unfortunately, in both cases, WhatsApp takes the all-or-nothing approach - it asks for the blanket permission, and has no fall-back if it is denied.

> There's totally a middle ground between 'full access and no access'. Apps can show UIImagePickerControllers and CNContactPickerViewControllers whenever they want, without any permissions. They then get the photo[s]/contact info the user picks.

If they don't use this control you can also inject whatever photos you want into most apps using the share sheet. It does mean you have to exit the app and go to photos, but as you point out, it's the app maker's fault for not supporting the extremely privacy friendly `UIImagePickerController`.

Roughly speaking, current OSs "stop" at tools for interacting with data, and the hardware behind it.

In this world where we expect internet access, I'm beginning to think OSs need to manage certain types of data more proactively. I'm trying to wrap a general point around your concerns about contacts. Contacts seem one of the data types that need something approaching OS level tooling. For me, another is "tags". I want to use the same set of tags I apply to "files" to apply to "contacts" too.

I keep hoping someone will make a rival OS that tackles this head-on. Start at Haiku, sprinkle some of Apple's "the UI isn't a virtualised office any more" UI paradigm, model a small handful of human-centric data types (like places, people, maybe individual health, too) and the access and interaction rules that support them safely and really run with it.

That rival was Windows Phone 7.5 through 8.5

They had a People hub that collated all your contacts and had reasonable sharing mechanisms for the data. HERE was essentially that places concept. I'm sure if Windows Phone had kept traction, it would be integrating your smart device health data into live tiles and a hub interface for all the metrics.

My son and I were both long time Windows Phone users. It never gained the public acceptance required to survive, but I don't know anyone that used it for any length of time, that does not miss it. The UI was very intuitive and it just worked for me. My brother is still running it on his Nokia phone, that seems to be lasting forever. I am not sure which model it is, but the camera on it is fabulous. I wish I had picked one of those up.

Windows Phone’s hub concept was marvelous. As a user I don’t care if I’m messaging you though MSN Messenger* , Skype or XMPP; I just want to IM. Gaming hub integrating with Xbox Live was a nice touch, it felt like MS finally got the concept of an ecosystem.

* let’s keep it time accurate :)

Except when you realize all of those implementations needed to be coded by Microsoft. There was no way for a third party to plug in. I heard some things from MS people that the clients for IM services were driven server side which would have made it hard and inelegant to add additional protocols.

Nokia's maemo had this done with better execution. The SMS app had a plug-in for xmpp and I used it for Google talk. I think I used a third party one for Google voice. There was a Skype one that supported calling through the normal phone app but it didn't work very well. The clients were run on the phone and not in the cloud.

IIRC you had to do server side push as Windows Phone 7 didn't support local notifications and always-on Internet connection. Some IM clients used some tricks to run in background, such as masquerading as a streaming audio player (that had always-on capabilities enabled) but you lost the music player capabilities of your smartphone when running those apps.

WP8 relaxed some of those restrictions but it wasn't enough to truly develop a IM client.

It's true that only Microsoft could create such integrations, but it was a business decision. On Windows Phone 7 era, regular developers couldn't deploy native code and you couldn't call native APIs directly from the managed .NET/Silverlight runtime. Native SDK wasn't available at all, but it was a regular Windows CE at its core.

Maemo's was way superior to Windows Phone. It's a shame that Microsoft trojan-horsed Nokia.

iOS 14 allows sharing specific photos:


Maybe contacts too, but I haven’t read that anywhere.

Add Background App Refresh to this please - considering that apps exfiltrate 4G/WiFi connectivity info (helpful to triangulate your current location) regularly to tracker/analytics scum APIs with this feature - it should be exposed as a Privacy setting, not buried in Settings. I don’t understand what’s hard about this for Apple to be eerily silent on this.

Background App Refresh also has a significant battery life impact. I keep mine disabled and get a significant battery life increase with little downside.

The feature should be a per-app opt-in instead of being enabled by default and buried in settings.

What I want to see with Contacts is

1) a way for apps to display a view that shows the contact name for a phone number, with specified styling / sizing / etc, but without being able to determine what that contact name is.

2) an App Store rule that forbids apps from requiring contact access unless they can't function without it. WhatsApp forces you to provide contact access, giving Facebook your place in the social graph even if you don't use Facebook, even though WhatsApp should be usable (using phone numbers) without it.

WhatsApp works so well because it is tied into the same contacts that you already have on your phone. Without access to your phone’s contacts you would need to set up and manage an entirely separate set of contacts. Right now, Grandma could download WhatsApp and instantly start chatting with her granddaughter without having to remember what her phone number is because it’s already there. That’s a major selling point of WhatsApp.

I revoked Contacts access in WhatsApp a year ago. It works just fine. Problem is: WhatsApp only shows the phone numbers in the list and NOT the usernames of people. This is rather annoying, because I don't know any phone numbers by heart. Profile pics help a bit, but people change them and often don't have pictures of themselves.

Signal shows the nicknames next to the numbers which is a really nice feature and makes it pretty much perfectly usable without contacts permission, except that it constantly nags to grant the permission.

I understand that. I'm just saying that there should be a middle ground between "give Facebook full access to my entire contact list" and "cannot use the app at all". For example, WhatsApp should be able to trigger a contacts picker, without needing to have access to the full list of contacts. And it could even be able to show a styled view for "the contact name for this phone number" without needing to know what the name is.

WhatsApp does work if you revoke Contacts permission after setting it up, but IIRC you can't onboard when you first install the app if you don't grant it. Forcing the granting of the permission should be against App Store rules.

I use WhatsApp after revoking its contacts permission and it's pretty much fine. As an aside, same with Signal, and I really don't understand why a supposedly privacy-focused app like Signal nags hard to get contacts permission when it works perfectly fine without; it even shows people's chosen nicknames next to their numbers.

You can easily solve this with UX. Select new message, show the picker, select one or more contacts and then you have the identifier you need and you don’t need blanket permissions.

In fact, I'd much prefer to share with apps like WhatsApp (although I don't use it anymore) and Telegram only the contacts I manually select. There's no reason for them to know all barbershops I ever called too, and I don't even really need to know that an acquaintance of mine started using Telegram, I only contact those who I know to use Telegram beforehand anyway.

Both added in iOS 14.

I guess Apple's not "full of shit" anymore.

Photos: just saw it, great news.

Contacts: didn’t find a good source. This talks about "contacts autofill", not sure what that means exactly: https://www.apple.com/ios/ios-14-preview/features/

“Instead of sharing your entire Contacts list in third-party apps, you can now type individual names to automatically fill their corresponding phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses in fields that request it. The autofill happens on your device, and contacts are not shared with third-party developers without your consent.“

This is pretty clear to me, you type a name, it’s looked up in your contacts by the OS, data is retrieved if there is a match and placed in the form. This is not the same as sharing an individual contact and allowing the app to continue to read it later, but still gives you a means to give contact data to an app without giving it access to the entire list.

Notes can only be accessed by full contacts book replacement apps that must request an entitlement that’s manually reviewed: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/en....

0. firewall


Apples walled garden approach is not necessary for any of this though (nor does it even make it easier). You can introduce sandboxing, fine grained permissions etc without locking devs and consumers into a controlled app store - these are OS features, not app store features.

Fine-grained permissions aren’t useful if an application is going to request access to everything anyway - and non-technical or non-privacy-conscious users will click-through any and all permission prompts so [they can see the dancing bunnies](https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-dancing-bunnies-problem/).

In the case of very popular, aggressively-marketed, apps like TikTok and Facebook’s: the lack of easy side-loading or alternative app-stores (with looser auditing) means they’re forced to comply with Apple’s regs against unnecessary permission prompts, and this means they simply can’t take advantage of users’ ignorance (or overriding desire to see the dancing bunnies) to get them to grant unnecessary permissions.

I don’t think this is the case. The way iOS tells users that an app is tracking location in the background has led to a large increase in users opting out in all the apps I’ve worked on. There are ways to be very effective at this as Apple has shown since that article was written over 15 years ago.

Second, this effectiveness doesn’t require the walled garden and forcing apps to pay 30% of revenue to Apple.

Sounds like it’s working then? If an app asks me for location I personally go wtf no why do you need to know and most apps honestly don’t. I stick with apple for such a reason

The point was "it's an OS feature, not an Appstore feature, so Apple's Walled Garden approach has nothing to do with that feature, Apple's OS has".

It's working. But not because of Apple's Appstore policies.

With sideloading apps could use private APIs that circumvent these policies maybe

The OS can stop an app from using certain APIs. This has nothing to do with the walled garden. ios tells you when an app is using your location in the background, it can do this for side loaded apps as well. It then allows you to disable it for that app, which it an also do for side loaded apps.

Then the sandbox is broken..?

Defense in depth right? First layer: iOS sandbox, second layer: App Store.

Currently, App Store doesn't just review safety and UX, it also reviews whether or not Apple simply likes your idea or if you are competing with a feature they've integrated into the OS.

If the App Store remains the only method for installing apps, and Apple continues to reject apps that they simply don't like, then it's not a healthy platform for consumers in the end.

How about giving people a choice?

If you like defense in depth: App Store.

If you like freedom of choice: Open Market Store and side-loading.

This isn't a value judgement, but if enough users sideload or use the open market governments will probably have to step in to advocate permissions checking because Apple won't have the influence to regulate developer behavior on their platform(s).

You can sort of see this on other platforms - the Mac App Store has very few quality apps listed on the store and Apple is further moving towards locking down root permissions b/c users can download apps or install software from anywhere on the web. It's typical for users to install anti-malware software on new Android devices, etc.

At least in Android (not familiar with iOS) you can deny apps access to any and all permissions, the features just won't work. I.e. if you deny Snapchat access to the camera you can still browse the app, read messages etc - you just won't be able to take any photos.

That’s not my point: I’m arguing that apps like TikTok and Facebook are big enough that they could convince non-technical users (who are either ignorant-of, or just don’t care about, app permissions and privacy) to switch to an unofficial app-store where they could list their app without it being denied approval by Apple or Google for unreasonable app permission prompts.

...but the fact that unofficial app-stores for unjailbroken iOS devices do not exist makes this impossible for now.

It’s very easy to imagine a TV ad or movie trailer ad for a TikTok or Facebook app with the cheerfully-voiced narrator saying “Just visit the TikTok Android App Store” or “Just open the Facebook iOS App Store” - then when the app is installed and first-opened the app would use a single “grant everything” permission prompt - or if the OS doesn’t allow that it could bombard the user with many prompts all-at-once and if the user denies any of them then a curtly-worded new messagebox would say “you must grant these permissions to use our app” otherwise the app quits. There’s not much Apple or Google could do to stop this that those app developers couldn’t work-around. Apple’s iOS App Store rejections for privacy reasons is a human solution to a non-technical problem, as it’s well-established that technical solutions to non-technical problems are ineffectual.

It can be argued this is possible on Android - which does allow for other app-stores - and I did wonder why this isn’t already happening with Android users - then I realised that probably most Android users have those horrible carrier and OEM locked-down devices that make it harder (if not impossible) to change system settings or add other app-stores.

The scenario you're speaking of hasn't happened on Android.

As a famous example of a popular app that eventually caved into Google's demands is Fortnite [1] and children are tech savvy (or at least motivated) enough to install from outside the app store. If Fortnite couldn't do it, then no, it's not easy to imagine TikTok doing it, especially given TikTok's market share is made of mobile users mostly, so no PC, no PS 4, no Xbox.

There are indeed alternative app stores from Samsung, Amazon, maybe others, however Google's Play absolutely dominates the Android ecosystem.

I'm an iOS user myself, however this whole reasoning is bullshit. The only reason Apple keeps such a tight control is because they want to keep that 30% commission on all sales, which is highway robbery. And I also suspect them of wanting to have enough reason and leverage to get rid of any app that threatens their own products.

[1] https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/21/epic-games-launches-fortni...


Also the elephant in the room is the web.

I see grownups and children alike using the web successfully all the time. The web can be secure without a gatekeeper because browsers do a reasonable job at sandboxing. In fact it is the competitive nature of the market that makes it secure, consider that's how extensions and ad blockers happened (in the meantime I still don't have a browser on iOS capable of using uBlock Origin).

And yes the web has dark corners, yet we live with it just fine. Look, we're having this conversation on a web page that's not gated by Apple and we're still alive.

This is true in most parts of the world, but in China where almost all phones are Android and Google apps are not preinstalled on any of them, the alternative app store hijacking definitely happens.

In particular Tencent is notorious for not being the default app store on any phones, but somehow "mysteriously" if you follow links from WeChat or QQ or even certain websites, it will try to make your phone download the Tencent app store to install the app instead of just using your phone's default app store. Even your phone gives a warning not to do it, people still install it. And, sure enough, Tencent app store is now the biggest app store in China, with 25% of the market.

Tiktok is owned by Bytedance, which doesn't even have an app store in China, so i can't see them making a play.

Fortnite, on the other other hand, is owned by Epic who definitely used the popularity and income from Fortnite to leverage their way into the PC gaming marketplace, disrupting the major player (Valve). They might not have won this battle for the phone marketplace, but by the sounds of it they still haven't given up the war.

So, i do think it's fair for the grandparent poster to consider a future where users bypass whatever protections came from their phone manufacturer and end up shooting themselves in the foot. But i also think you're right that it doesn't matter. That's the "price of freedom".

We already see it a little bit now where some people choose Android over iOS (or vice versa) for ideological reasons. Loosening manufacturer restrictions even further seems reasonable to me. Some people would choose ultra-safety through open source, others would choose to use closed source from a company they consider trustworthy. Most would not care and just use whatever environment they are most familiar with, and install whatever plugins and cleaners they need to make them feel more secure. That's basically the PC market right now, and i think it's largely fine.

As extortionate as Apple’s fees are, I’m actually glad that they have a business model that isn’t dependent on invasion of privacy. Without them continually calling attention to it, Google would have little incentive to improve privacy.

Google payed Apple $12 billion in 2019 to remain the default search engine in Safari.

I hear this line about their business model all the time, however it is bullshit. Given the opportunity all companies will take the money. And I fear that it is nothing more than a conspiracy theory, without much evidence, much like anti-vaxxing.

Google these days is a very big target. The EU would love to have reason to slap them with another fine, given all the legal tax evasion they've been doing. Yet they've always been transparent about what they collect and have always been responsible with user data (versus Facebook).

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the privacy features of my iPhone, it always fared better than Android in that regard, but it has nothing to do with Apple's tight grip of its App Store.

And Google Play takes a 30% commission too ;-)

Google payed Apple $12 billion in 2019 to remain the default search engine in Safari.

It's a large amount, even for Apple, but they would survive losing that. Besides that, they are even taunting Google by putting DuckDuckGo in their marketing copy:


They also started a partnership with them in 2019:


I think they are slowly preparing to loosen that tie.

I hear this line about their business model all the time, however it is bullshit. Given the opportunity all companies will take the money.

I agree. Apple's incentives are just temporarily aligned with customer's privacy. Their margins on hardware, services, etc. are so large that they can afford to make privacy a differentiator. If they are not in that comfortable position anymore, they would monetize the vast user data trove.

But while this is the status quo, I am happy to use an iPhone for privacy.

I really think Apple will buy DuckDuckGo at some point. The question is, to what extent will Apple make DuckDuckGo (or whatever they'll rename it to) available for non-Apple platforms?

If they do, they are buying what exactly? A shell around Bing?

Please, they are not going to leave $10 billion per year on the table.

They would if they could position that loss of $10 billion into increased sales. Is that plausible? Maybe not, but it is certainly possible.

This is definitely happening already, all the Mac App Store devs that left that store for their various reasons, some of them pushing updates only to their site forcing me to move away from the App Store, and therefore Apples guidelines making them behave properly. So this is happening and it is being abused, see Zoom using preinstall scripts. This wouldn’t have happened if the Mac App Store was the only way to install an app on a mac.

>they could convince non-technical users to switch to an unofficial app-store

They could, but they're absolutely not going to. Every barrier you put between and user and installing your app is a percentage of those installs that you're losing. Doubly so for "non technical" users, who can barely work the app store in the first place. No company of that size is going to lose that many downloads just to steal a few more downloads.

>then I realised that probably most Android users have those horrible carrier and OEM locked-down devices that make it harder (if not impossible) to change system settings or add other app-stores.

Stock android makes you jump through hoops to install third party apps, and for good reason. No, it's not because "OEM locked-down devices", the reason you don't see it on android is because it doesn't make business sense.

This has been my feeling for years, and why I think it'd probably be in Apple's interest to let people sideload apps. They could still require them to be signed, but otherwise be hands-off. The vast majority of users wouldn't go through whatever hoops were necessary to set that up -- even if it's just the single hoop of flipping an "allow non-App Store apps" switch in Settings -- but making it possible to do that gets them out of a lot of the regulatory imbroglio they've been heading toward. (I also can't help but feel it's necessary in the long run if they're serious about the iPad in particular being a general purpose computing device rather than an application console.)

So that iOS developers can enjoy the rampant piracy and app repackaging that takes place on Android?

When it comes to a mainstream app like Facebook or TikTok that already has network effects and a critical mass of users, people will put up with significant efforts to alleviate their fear of missing out, including sideloading the app.

Zenly already does something similar with location permissions, and their app isn't even side-loaded.

They'll simply annoy you to hell and not let you use the app until you've granted permanent location permissions.

You can deny permissions to any runtime permissions beginning with apps built for Marshmallow. You cannot deny other permissions. Some apps will absolutely block you from using them unless the permissions are on (this is by design of the app, not an OS limitation).

Internet is a permission that is required if your app expects to go online. You cannot turn this permission off in the OS. If you modify Android to allow changing this permission (usually via Xposed) or rebuild the app to remove it from the manifest, many apps will actually crash when they try to go online; this is part of the reason why people use a firewall even on devices with Xposed installed. My vague understanding is that this is how Android works when an app tried to do something it can't--it closes the app. IIRC there is an Xposed module that filters by the URL, but I'm guessing it fakes the network response (more complex than simply disabling permission), and it doesn't work with ndk.

With Marshmallow, runtime permissions were introduced for a number of existing permissions, where it would prompt you the first time the app tried to access privileged data. If your app is older than Marshmallow (ie, written for lollipop or KitKat), disabling any of the enabled permissions is liable to crash the app as soon as it tries to use them.

For the full list of permissions on Android, see https://gist.github.com/Arinerron/1bcaadc7b1cbeae77de0263f4e... (there's a few links in the comments to Android source code; they cause my phone browser to crash, though)

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, or if this information is outdated; much of it was specific to Android 6 release.

By and large this is true. However, the android Citibank mobile app refuses to do anything useful if you don't give it access to your entire file system upfront.

I don't think Apple would allow that kind of permissions abuse, but apparently Google does.

> However, the android Citibank mobile app refuses to do anything useful if you don't give it access to your entire file system upfront.

Considering Citi’s corporate culture, I’d attribute this to incompetence rather than malice or a desire to spy on users.

I’ll bet they’re using a third-party anti-spyware library to examine the Android FS for keyloggers/etc to protect their users’ security. It’s well-intentioned, but still idiotic.

This is the same Citibank that’s been engaged in an idiotic arms-race with Google about blocking password-safes on their online banking login page for the past 5+ years - while also allowing me to do phone-banking without any real authentication - and STILL haven’t given me an EMV Chip+PIN credit-card, while the EMV Chip+Sign card I do have from them DOES have NFC without a purchase limit... anyone could steal my wallet and “tap” a couple grand off it. Arggghhhhhh.

The “banks who think they’re smarter about security than platform vendors” trope is getting real old.

To the consumer it doesn't really matter if it's malice or ineptitude or laziness. Fact is Apple will remove your app if you try something like that, but it is not uncommon to encounter this on Android.

No, it’s because they like laundering money and the profit that brings, and hate any feature that might prove their wrongdoing empirically.


Oh, of course - I understand most (if not all?) major banks have serious ethics issues from the top-down - but money-laundering is a business-objective and is distinct and separate from online banking security.

The $70m fine (a joke to a multi-billion-dollar company) is insignificant to the potential damages from a class-action lawsuit from a wide-ranging vulnerability in their online banking platform - hence their focus and over-engineering on their online banking security - while the risks from credit-card abuse and individual identity-theft are much more limited in scope - and are a known-quantity.

That model was pioneered by Apple in iOS long before Android started taking it up with Android 6 (runtime permissions instead of collective install time permissions). Android took a few years to catch up and increase the range of runtime permissions, and apps on Android at that time would actually crash if some permission wasn't given.

Even today, there are apps on Android that ask for needless permissions and refuse to continue unless the permissions or granted. That same app on iOS would provide more functionality (that's possible without having the permissions). There seems to be a very different mindset between Android developers compared to iOS developers.

> Fine-grained permissions aren’t useful if an application is going to request access to everything anyway

If you build it right, it is totally doable. Implement it like in Health so that the app just gets empty data and doesn’t really know if it has access or not.

If the app doesn’t function properly with an empty data set, reject such an app through App Store guidelines.

What the parent poster means is that the second step (enforcement through rejection) won't work anymore.

I wonder if location prompts would be more effective if, instead of asking "Allow 'Example App' to access your location while you are using the app?", they explicitly state "'Example App' would like to know precisely where you are. Would you like to share your exact location?". I feel like those adjectives, "precisely" and "exact", would go a long way toward encouraging people to put more thought into the decision. Similar wording could be used for other permissions, maybe in conjunction with a one-or-two-second timer on the buttons.

This is a neat idea. Also, many apps don't need your EXACT location, just something like a zip code for convenience. AFAIK there is no mechanism for an App to request permissions to get a "rough" idea of where you are as opposed to a precise location

The new iOS will have that feature though, IIRC.

If one clicks through, the original Microsoft blog post by Larry Ostermanns is even more intriguing:


> I saw a post the other day (I'm not sure where, otherwise I'd cite it) that proclaimed that a properly designed system didn't need any anti-virus or anti-spyware software. Forgive me, but this comment is about as intellegent as "I can see a worldwide market for 10 computers" or "no properly written program should require more than 128K of RAM" or "no properly designed computer should require a fan". The reason for this is buried in the subject of this post, it's what I (and others) like to call the "dancing bunnies" problem.

> What's the dancing bunnies problem? It's a description of what happens when a user receives an email message that says "click here to see the dancing bunnies". The user wants to see the dancing bunnies, so they click there. It doesn't matter how much you try to disuade them, if they want to see the dancing bunnies, then by gum, they're going to see the dancing bunnies. It doesn't matter how many technical hurdles you put in their way, if they stop the user from seeing the dancing bunny, then they're going to go and see the dancing bunny.

> There are lots of techniques for mitigating the dancing bunny problem. There's strict privilege separation - users don't have access to any locations that can harm them. You can prevent users from downloading programs. You can make the user invoke magic commands to make code executable (chmod +e dancingbunnies). You can force the user to input a password when they want to access resources. You can block programs at the firewall. You can turn off scripting. You can do lots, and lots of things. However, at the end of the day, the user still wants to see the dancing bunny, and they'll do whatever's necessary to bypass your carefully constructed barriers in order to see the bunny

> We know that user's will do whatever's necessary. How do we know that? Well, because at least one virus (one of the Beagle derivatives) propogated via a password encrypted .zip file. In order to see the contents, the user had to open the zip file and type in the password that was contained in the email. Users were more than happy to do that, even after years of education, and dozens of technological hurdles. All because they wanted to see the dancing bunny. The reason for a platform needing anti-virus and anti-spyware software is that it forms a final line of defense against the dancing bunny problem - at their heart, anti-virus software is software that scans every executable before it's loaded and prevents it from running if it looks like it contain a virus. As long as the user can run code or scripts, then viruses will exist, and anti-virus software will need to exist to protect users from them.


This was written 2005, before the iPhone and iPad. One could argue that the whole AppStore/Gatekeeper/Notarization system itself is a big giant patronizing Anti-malware-Software by Apple or focus on the last sentence, that on iOS the user can’t run non-sandboxed scripts and code.

But it is also the case were Apple again did “think different”.

> I saw a post the other day that proclaimed that a properly designed system didn't need any anti-virus or anti-spyware software. Forgive me, but this comment is about as intellegent as "I can see a worldwide market for 10 computers" or "no properly written program should require more than 128K of RAM" or "no properly designed computer should require a fan".


This is not true.

my Android phone warns me if an app is trying to use features that require permission while in background and asks me if I want to revoke the permissions, enable it only while the app is active or let it use it always.

pretty easy to use and anyone can guess that the bus or car sharing app doesn't need to use GPS all the time

When the controller is a "smart" app store, you know what they delete, but you don't know what they keep and why they do it.

they chose for you and never ask you if you're okay with it or not, so basically it's not your phone, it's their phone.

Ah yes permissions:

"-This clock app needs to access your photos, contacts, all the hardware the phone has and all your cloud accounts -No -The app can not function without the required permissions."

Yes and the app gets uninstalled and review bombed on google's play store. Seems like a successful democratic process to me.

>App steals data from millions

>Gets catched years later and review bombed

>Author walks away with pockets full and probably onto the next money-grabbing project

Oh yes, classic "successful democratic process"

That's a bit of a stretch. On play store permission bombing is so prevalent and no one is installing any apps with less than 4 stars so I doubt the "malware" makes enough money to sustain this.

Time to make a new clock/flashlight/garbage game app I guess!!!

Yes it is, because devs aren't going to respect it.

Even Android is going into this direction, locking down APIs, access to Linux syscalls (not even considered part of NDK official APIs), background execution modes and file access.

In this respect, I see your point - a properly designed and secure OS, with a user and installer in "non admin" mode, should be able to do these things without locking the source of an app down to one location.

And yet no one else has

Flatpak has done this better than iOS has.

- Completely FOSS stack

- Uses multiple repositories (no lock-in)

- Everything is sandboxed with Bubblewrap

- Fine-grained permission control that offers more than iOS: control whether apps can access the network, which directories an app can access, if it can print, and even whether or not it can access PulseAudio.

- Cross-platform: runtimes are OCI container images and can be targeted on any distro that supports Flatpak (which is almost all of them).

It's gained adoption from a number of recognizable FOSS and proprietary names: Zoom, Spotify, Steam, Firefox, VLC, Discord, Libreoffice, Skype, Inkscape, both Minecraft and Minetest, Microsoft Teams, Krita, IntelliJ IDEs (both Community and Professional), and Blender are available as Flatpaks through Flathub.

GNOME and KDE release almost all their apps as Flatpaks through the `gnome` and `kdeapps` Flatpak repos, and copy them over to Flathub when they're confident that Flatpak-ing didn't introduce any bugs.

Flatpak also clutters your hard disk with gigabytes of copied libraries and other data. I had to deinstall it to prevent a system crash, because my root partition went out of space rapidly - source of the problem: Two flatpak apps.

Isn't this the problem with iOS apps too? They can't share libs or .so between them, which is why each iOS app is colossal for no good reason, eg. Google Sheets 180MB alone, Google Docs also 180MB, YouTube 280MB..... insane sizes for these.

Similar in character, but it's probably a factor of 10 worse with Flatpak. With your examples on iOS, the bloat is stuff that's common to the google apps but not part of the platform. With flatpak, it includes stuff that is part of the platform but can't be relied on to be the right version.

It would be nice if Apple would let packages signed by the same key share versioned libraries between them, but I suspect relatively few developers would be able to take advantage of that. Maybe only google and microsoft, to a rough order of approximation.

Does its sandboxing support fake (or altered) access? That might be the additional permission control needed. For example, to grant fake access to the audio, the program will work but there will be no audio output (and all audio input will be silent); or you can specify to save audio to a file instead of making it immediately audible, or change the volume control for that program only.

Pretty cool. But it will never have the momentum android and iOS have

Android has. (Also I assume a pile of other, no longer available/not very successful mobile OSes, but the ecosystem is just Apple and Android at the moment).

Android has far too many apps that refuse to work unless you give certain permissions. One of my banking apps needs the camera permission to work at all. The permission prompt states it's to digitally cash checks, but it asks at startup and if you deny permission the app quits immediately. Most delivery apps won't work without giving GPS permission. The iOS app store does not allow this kinda bs.

Android similarly has been continually improving the privacy/permissions model of the OS when it comes to third party apps. I am not sure that Apple has any obvious advantage in that department specifically.

Even if one were to ignore Google’s data collection, any non-vanilla android installation would have been butchered by the vendor (Samsung, Motorola, etc) to the point any expectation of security (and in turn privacy) is lost to the least secure app pre-installed.

I had ESFileExplorer installed on a Nexus 7 tablet I barely used. One day I start it to find the charging has switched to “smart charging” where this software shows a banner ad on the home/charging screen. There is no end to the madness of what each app can do or even allowed to ask for.

I often use Motorola devices as I find they are one of the OEMs which applies the fewest customizations to the OS. However Samsung is definitely a problem when it comes to that.

I am not sure what happened in your case with ES or how that would be possible. It sounds like maybe the app just pushed you an advertisement as a notification. Notifications can be disabled on a per-app basis but I think it is pretty reasonable that they are enabled by default.

Apparently it is not new change [1]. I just happened to notice it now since I rarely used it before. Now the tablet functions as a handy Zoom whiteboard [2] drawing tablet. Good thing I didn't throw it out.

[1] https://www.androidpolice.com/2016/05/10/es-file-explorer-up...

[2] To those who might laugh at my paranoia about ES while I happily use Zoom, I teach classes and it is not an easy choice not to use Zoom.

I often use Motorola devices as I find they are one of the OEMs which applies the fewest customizations to the OS.

They got worse, also with updates since they were acquired Lenovo. Last time that I surveyed the Android landscape (~2 years ago), Nokia was the place to go for a pristine Android experience with quick updates.

Lineage is a must on any phone I get. I reckon I haven't had a vendor distro on my phone since 2012

I was running Lineage on the tablet and I am usually very careful about what I allow. I have no idea how it got set to take over main screen at charging time.

Btw, all these distributions (Lineage and Cynogenmod before that) don't benefit from automated updates. So that is another headache to remember to manually reflash/upgrade.

> don't benefit from automated updates

That varies by the ROM. Many do support automated OTA updates. (https://www.androidexplained.com/lineage-os-ota-update-locat...)

Kind of unrelated, but what phones do you use? Also, can you still use Google apps?

You can still use Google Apps, but they must be sideloaded as part of the installation process before you boot LineageOS the first time.

I haven't found a LineageOS device that will pass the SafetyNet checks yet, though.

Is LineageOS still signed with testing keys?

My Galaxy S5 with Lineageos 16 and Magisk passes safetynet.. Thanks to Magisk.

No, and I consider that a feature :) I have Zuk Z2, which incidentally is still the only phone in the world that matches my small list of requisites: reasonably modern, not huge, has Lineage support.

I didn't check properly before I bought a Moto G5... the only Lineage image there is crashes its sound server whenever you connect a Bluetooth headset. I'm trying to get the dev to share their build steps so I can look into what is happening there, but they're not responding :(

I've only ever been an Android user, but for a while I was paying a lot of attention to iOS too. It seems to me like they've been back and forthing, as one side figures out some improvements, the other side more-or-less re-implements them on their next release with their own unrelated improvements.

Seems like a good thing, really.

From my perspective it seems like Apple keeps releasing new privacy features and Android keeps being forced to catch up. What are the major privacy enhancements that Google has put out first?

Android blocked background clipboard access in 2019.

It's worth noting that (AFAIK) iOS has never allowed apps in the background to read the clipboard buffer: https://security.stackexchange.com/a/176375

Sorry, I don't have a history of this here. I'm running off my sense of a fair portion of the time when I hear "this new privacy feature coming to iOS" I think "oh I've had that for a little while", and the rest of the time something equivalent shows up later for Android.

I believe Android was the first to have fine grained app permissions where you could actually choose what an app has access to. iOS added that later.

No, it’s the other way around.

In the beginning, Android showed you what an app could before you installed it, and it was an all-or-nothing approach – if you didn't want the app to do those things, your only choice was to not install it.

In the beginning, iOS didn't have this, and instead it prompted you for permission the first time an app wanted permission to do something. Additionally, app review had rules that apps had to operate correctly if you refused permission and that apps couldn’t ask for permissions irrelevant to what you are doing. So you can install an app, then pick and choose what you grant permission for.

Later, Android added the prompts to work the same as iOS. iOS hasn't changed to include the Android approach.

In the beginning iOS basically didn't have permissions at all. There were some random ones like GPS (and push notifications?!), but there was for example no permission to access contacts. Or photos. That didn't come until iOS 6.

So in the very very very beginning it was:

iOS: prompts for permissions, but almost nothing (including accessing user data) requires permissions anyway

Android: Granular permissions for everything, but only asked at install time.

Since then iOS has become "more Android-y" in adding increasingly more granular permissions, and Android has become "more iOS-y" in those permission grants being on-demand and time-gated.

Android had install time permissions for a long while. The user either had to allow all permissions asked by the app during install or not be allowed to install the app. On the other side, iOS had runtime permissions (nothing during installation) that were prompted by the system whenever the app needed a permission. When runtime permissions were added to Android 6, apps used to crash when not granted the permissions (so much so that some Android versions also started faking location data to apps when the user denied location access).

This took a few years to improve, but even today, there are Android apps that will refuse to work if you don't grant some (unnecessary, in the view of the user) permission. That kind of behavior is very, very rare among iOS apps.

As a checkbox prompt on install, yes. iOS has always and will continue a slightly different model of throwing a modular question up to the user at the moment the action that requires the permission first occurs. This gives the user more context about the question, but also gives more alert fatigue. Which is better is left as an exercise to the reader.

Android has supported piecemeal permissions for ages (only let app X access this one photo, or this one contact), which Apple seems to be starting to copy in iOS 14 (though, as usual, seemingly without a single thought to the long-term UX).

Not sure about this. I can give an app permissions to contacts, not a specific contact. Unless they changed this in Android 11?

You can send an Intent to request that the user pick a contact, without having the contacts permission. The app gets a copy of the contact that the user picked.

That's how Apple users feel in general.

I'm actually an android user, but okay.

Not being an Android user, one of the negatives that was often talked about (maybe no longer true?) is that a lot of phones could not upgrade to new versions of Android. Is that still a thing, or was that limited to the lower tier phones?

It's definitely still a thing, as android updates are normally pushed by the manufacturers. The Android One phones are an exception to this.

It's crazy that this ever became a thing. When Android first came out I assumed it would essentially be like Windows for the smartphone.

But imagine if Windows worked the way Android does. You buy a Dell Windows laptop and then you receive all your OS updates directly from Dell, they limit you to only 2 years of updates (if that), and put some bloated skin over the whole OS.

I don't know why Android users accept this.

Updates are still pushed by the manufacturer. I have the Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (with Android One) and only got Android 10 last week.

Biggest advantage is that it's a pure Android with no bloatware from the manufacturer. Also you get a guarantee IIRC to have at least two versions upgrades for the phone (my Xiaomi came with Android 8, so 10 should be the last one), and most of all security updates.

Phones only getting 2 major software updates (which are released yearly, so 2 years) is a bit of a deal breaker for me. I understand older versions of Android are pretty well supported at least by apps in Google Play.

Also what bothers me about Android devices: I got a Galaxy S8 to do development for work, and not all manufacturers are created equal in updates of course; IIRC I waited almost a full year after the Google flagships to receive Android 9 — in fact I think I got Android 8 around the time Android 9 came out.

Why did you even need a physical phone? Emulator works fine for most development use cases.

I think you just answered your own question. Emulators work fine for most use cases. In the other cases, a physical phone is best.

I mean, the fact that you need to say “pure android” kinda says it all, though.

All iOS is pure iOS. That’s the selling point for me, at least.

That's only because there are no other vendors to muddy the meaning of "pure". Only one vendor of devices for the OS means only one conception about what "pure iOS" means. It doesn't necessarily mean that Apple's conception of iOS is the best possible conception of iOS.

So if you can choose between pure and not pure, locked vs unlocked, is worse? Interesting selling point

For some of us, having a locked down, reliable, secure, and pure phone is a great solution.

I don’t want iOS on my random experimental project laptop, for that I have Linux or windows, or vms. But, cellphones are not something I need to hack around on.

their point is that you can choose to have "pure" android or "unpure" - which is not an option apple provides. why is that worse?

Because "unpure" Android barely receives updates and the few occasions where it does, it's extremely delayed. So that's pretty "worse"

You can also choose to jailbreak an Apple device if you really want to be unpure, and luckily doing so won't prevent you from updating your phone in the future.

>cellphones are not something I need to hack around on.

Different strokes for different folks. I like having the ability to sideload apps and flash a different OS to my phone

Fun. My Xiaomi came with ads baked into the app installer and a very questionable use of tracking in the web browser. Yes, Android One is great but not every device is in that program.

It's still true. You'd be lucky to get updates beyond two years (so choosing the brand with this in mind is more important within the Android ecosystem). There are also devices that don't get updates after a few months of launch. Updates are also delayed by several months depending on the brand.

Security updates are pushed monthly though. And Samsung supports security updates for much longer period.

Except for all the Samsung devices that don't, of course. Mine periodically says "security update available", I click "install", it says "install failed" and that's the end of that. There appears to be no way to know what the update was or to retry the install.

Apples vs oranges. With iOS the norm seems to be that apps support 1 version back, if even that. So as soon as your device is no longer updated (or if you dislike the update!), you're stuck.

Android puts much more emphasis on backwards compatibility, with Google moving more and more functionality into app libraries rather than system frameworks. Our app still supports Android 4.4 (released in 2014!).

You can walk into any Best Buy and buy new devices on the shelf that are running versions of Android so old they can't run apps like Netflix -- devices that are out of date now, and will never get an update. This is part of the reason Android developers need strong backwards compatibility.

No, the norm on the iOS is current and two versions back. It is also worth mentioning that iOS are usually supported for much longer than Android.

iphoneOS 15 will be supported by iPhone 6S: this was released in 2015. If app supports iOS 12 (which most do, as it is only one version below the current iOS 13) it means they support iPhone 5S: which was released in 2013.

And Apple users are likely to update: 92% run the latest version, and 7% are on the iOS 12.

It is true that many vendors abandon their devices more quickly than I would like, but it depends on the vendor and the "flagshipness" of the device. Also, since version 8.0, Google has made a number of improvements to the modularity of the OS which make it easier for vendors to release updates ("Project Treble"), so the problem has been reduced somewhat

While fact checking my other comment here, it seems like Samsung has been slow to roll out major version upgrades _since_ Android 8. Have other manufacturers improved in this regard since Project Treble?

Motorola's pretty on top of the game.

$200 G7 got Android 10 about 3 weeks ago.

Lol you realize this used to be true of iOS too? I know after a few years my 3GS definitely wouldn't be able to handle the next iOS version.

The iPhone 3GS was released in June 2009, and the first iOS release that didn't support it was iOS 7 in September 2013.

4 years is much better than current Android phones, though it's true it doesn't quite live up to the current Apple lineup where iOS 14 is going to support the 6S which will be 5 years old by the time it launches.

Even if iOS 6 could be installed on the 3GS, it wasn't advisable.

> continually improving the privacy/permissions model

Though an extremely annoying side effect is that they are also handicapping one of the best android features: user scripting with tools like automagic4android [i] and tasker [ii]. To wit: https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/b1272l/android_q_ta...

[i] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.gridvision.... [ii] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch....

Android is a spyware operating system filled with first party spyware apps developed by Google.

This sounds like some crappy grafiti slogan.

As opposed to apple which isn't because... apple says so.

No, because Apple makes money on subscriptions and retail purchases not on aggregating and reselling the data for advertisers.

Whatever happened to the concerns around Apple selling in China and what compromises they may have made for that?

Google doesn't sell data, it sells targeted access to users based on that data. Let's be precise if we're going to discuss the practical privacy implications of both platforms.

Meanwhile if you use iCloud backups all your data is one subpoena away from law enforcement.

Correct. But why does google deserve to know everything about you? What does it matter if they can still browse everything about you and they happen to resell targeting. All still bad. I agree the Warrentless wiretaps are a problem for every American company, google included.

My point stands, apples revenue is not from privacy violating advertising and has no motivation for data collection beyond product improvement

Apple took a 9 Billion dollar payment from Google in 2018 for Google to be the default search engine [0].

[0]: https://dazeinfo.com/2018/10/01/apple-google-fee-iphone-sear...

This doesn’t refute the parent.

iOS 14 also makes app ad tracking opt-in, Google would never.

China :)

Apple also makes money by selling their users to Google to do all that nasty stuff.

No, they really don't.

Remember the fun we had making fun of Apple Maps? Why in the world would Apple have dropped Google as the back end for their original Maps program, right? Well, it was because back in 2011 or so, Google refused to give Apple access to true turn-by-turn navigation features unless Apple gave them more access to user data. Rather than do that, Apple decided to go it themselves, even though that made the Maps product worse for years. This is consistent with Apple's behavior in other fields. (Hey, Siri!)

There are a lot of criticisms to be made of Apple, but "they're selling your data by proxy" just doesn't seem to be one of them.

They really do. Check the other comment on this thread.

Use any application that lets you view your network traffic and you'll see that Apple doesn't phone home anything it doesn't need to. Google phones home for everything.

Align the incentives.

Privacy in a classic sense has died the moment when we replaced paper with electronics.

A picture on a TV screen didn’t use to spy on you...

That's not exactly true. Assuming you didn't mean TVs completely without any internet connection whatsoever then you'll find that pretty much since that ability was added there have been attempts by the very manufacturers to do just that.

Vizio isn't the only one but here's an example: https://www.tomsguide.com/amp/us/vizio-ftc-smart-tv-spying-p...

How-to disable additional snooping: https://www.consumerreports.org/privacy/how-to-turn-off-smar...

Mind you this goes above what most consumers would consider acceptable and can be blatantly sold to advertisers.

This is just what manufacturers have done but then there's just the attempts we know of by the CIA dump: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20206536

> That's not exactly true. Assuming you didn't mean TVs completely without any internet connection whatsoever

It’s way too early for this to be a reasonable assumption. The fact that they made that comment implies they are aware how widespread the is.

Doesn't help much when the OS itself contains a million first party privacy violations, unfortunately.

Both systems have extreme downfalls with the strategy they have taken, Apple's walled garden, and Google's necessity to use tracking because they are an ad company and this is how they make money.

Overall, Apple's certainly the lesser of two evils, but I think I'll be considering a PinePhone next, once the software ecosystem has matured a bit. I'm going to start speaking with my wallet and not conceding to settling.

We're talking about this because the Apple OS privacy/permissions model shed light on this issue.

That seems like an obvious advantage to me.

Especially when its taken 14 versions to get this information.

To be pedantic, version 1 and 2 of iPhone OS did not have a clipboard at all …

Was it called iPhone OS then? At some point I remember Apple saying it was basically OS X running on the phone. Weird how that went.

The first iPhone used iPhone OS. It was never called OSX in production. In June 2010 it was renamed iOS.

However they did call it OSX in the keynote: https://youtu.be/vN4U5FqrOdQ?t=548

I carry an Android. In Android, you and your data is the product, nothing else.

In Apple the phone is the product.

Instead of drive by negging, happy to chat about why.

I've probably had a smartphone as long as anyone. And I hope it's not just because some people work at Google. :)

It’s nice if you’re coming from something like windows where everything is closed and often maintained by an organization.

Coming from GNU/Linux where most things are open and community maintained it’s definitely a step backwards.

Yes and no: they still allowed developers to do it for a very long time. I remember years ago when a social app was chastised for uploading your entire contact book to their servers without asking, because at the time there was no permission barrier for it.

In this instance, apps have been doing this for years. Apple knows this. It’s not entirely clear why they only decided to act on it now.

The walled garden does no such thing.

Either iOS is secure or it's not. if it's secure there is no need for the walled garden. Let me run anything and trust its security.

If it's not secure then the walled garden is security theater because it's trivial for any app to hide its true intent.

“Either iOS is secure or it’s not” You must not be up on security, and that’s cool, we all have stuff to learn.

So let’s define our terms a little bit. What is our walled garden and what does it bring to the table in terms of security?

Off the top of my head I’m thinking we get more eyes during the review process, maybe some static/malware analysis, etc.. Another thing is the “soft controls”, not allowing certain classes of apps that Apple doesn’t feel “belong” in their garden. Well that’s a net security benefit too. Less apps, less possibility of exposure, more careful and selective choosing of apps allowed, you’re going to see less shady stuff and abuse.

Compare the two app stores, it’s not even close.

So the security benefits of a tight review/control process are pretty clear, and play out in the results of malware outbreaks between Google and Apples app stores.

The question of trading freedom for security is another topic, one that cuts deep into the fabric of western society. Too deep for this convo!

> Either iOS is secure or it's not

This is flat out wrong. Security isn't binary.

It's not wrong. Browsers don't have a walled garden. They just try to be secure period. Apple's fictions is their walled garden saves you from bad apps. It doesn't. There have been and will be plenty of bad apps. A secure platform saves you from bad apps, period.

Again, you speak in this world of binary absolutes. Passionate, but clearly not an experienced security practitioner. “A secure platform saves you from bad apps, period”

How did you come to this statement? Because my initial reaction is not a flattering one for you, but hey, I’m learning too and I find this topic super interesting. Could you provide an example of a secure platform securing against threats in such an absolute way? Maybe QubesOS? I’d like to hear your reasoning a bit more.

Also, I want to touch on your statement of browsers not having walled gardens, and being secure in a general sense. Are you under the impression that modern browsers are equivalent to all other kinds of apps in regards to their threat profile? Also, are you aware that most modern browsers phone home URLs to check against a malicious site list? I look at this as “walled-garden lite”

Personally, I keep flip flopping between MacOS, Windows 10 with WSL2 + Fedora, and a 8GB RPI 4B, which for the last few days has been doing ok for a desktop.

My point? The security vs freedom debate is complicated, and for many, rages back and fourth even in the same person. There are very few absolutes in this world. Save your hills to die on for points you KNOW you’re right about, because in this, you’re waaaaaaay off base.

You're both right. The walled garden has nothing to do with security, AND security isn't binary.

So walls and fences have nothing to do with security? Interesting. I will even say, world-shattering news.

Yes. First of because "walled garden" is just a metaphor for the type of system the App store represents and Second if you have "walls and fences" but with an open door where everyone can enter if they Pay 30% of their revenue then those walls are there for revenue generation and not for security.

The point of the comment isn't to claim security is binary, but rather that if we're making a distinction between "secure" or "not secure", the walled garden contributes nothing to the distinction.

How is that Apple didn't catch TikTok doing this way way earlier to give them some sort of penalty.

Maybe because a lot of Apps are doing that and it's not a special bevaviour of TikTok

Maybe the Chinese government forced Apple the same way that they’re forcing them to secretly share [Chinese] users [in China] most sensitive data with the government (photos, videos, notes and everything automatically backed up by iCloud).

You do know that iCloud isn’t owned or operated by Apple in China? Much like Microsoft/Office 365, it’s owned and operated by a state owned business. This is true of a lot of large cloud services that run in China.

I’m not saying it’s any better, or indeed worse, rather it’s an important distinction.

I do and I don’t think it’s an important distinction at all.

That being said, I of course know that the Chinese government didn’t force Apple to implement this privacy violating feature, and I know that the Chinese government didn’t force Apple to allow TikTok to abuse it. But many people see Apple as a privacy conscious company thanks to its marketing, and its good to remind people that for Apple, privacy is simply a marketing gimmick.

Why not give user the option to chose another app store? There could be many stores like in Ubuntu.

Because 30% cut from every app is worth squeezin$.

Do you know if the new ios will bring back (?) fine grain controls over microphone access? You can either give rights to an app for access or no access at all, which is really bad and IIRC through the "while using only" option in ios versions before was more respecting of customer privacy. If Apple removed granular mic controls before the current ios version, I really don't understand why.

What iOS 14 does is it shows you a dot in the status bar when either the camera or microphone is used (with different colors for each).

In Control Center it will also show you which App recently used those.

So that’s not more fine grained control, but it can help you understand when someone is abusing the permission.


I've asked in the twitter thread if early adopters of iOS 14 could also check if any apps access the microphone while in background (even though they shouldn't have to by use case).

I have the suspicion that some apps listen into conversations to apply speech recognition and NLP for targeted ads and maybe even more malicious practices - though I'm guessing networks close to FB for example would have been smart enough to have turned off those "features" for their apps by now but maybe not.

Still, it would be interesting: https://twitter.com/musha68k/status/1276112945496428544?s=21

> but the fact is, they continue to release features to better showcase or restrict developers that abuse your privacy.

On Linux and BSD we've been having very good privacy features for years now.

Therefore I don't think that privacy is at the top of the list of Apple's motives.

No, you're really only transferring the trust onto Apple.

And that's the dilemma of our society. How do we trust all these people and big companies we don't know? Maybe we can't!

It seems like an intractable problem but I think we still have a few tricks up our sleeves. For one thing, we can look at what public companies report in their quarterly earnings and what major business decisions they make. For Apple, the vast majority of their revenue comes from hardware and services. A very, very tiny amount of their revenue comes from advertising.

Compare that with Google and Facebook. These companies make nearly all of their revenue from advertising. Why is this distinction important? Because advertising is all about data collection. Hardware sales? Much less so.

So when I need to figure out whether I should trust Apple vs trusting Google, I look at where their incentives are and how much they align with my own. Google's incentive is to collect as much of my data as possible and monetize it while keeping me engaged with search and YouTube. Apple's incentive, on the other hand, is to sell me new hardware and get me to subscribe to their services.

It seems pretty clear to me that Apple has far less incentive to snoop on my personal data and abuse my privacy than Google does, so I deem them more trustworthy. Is this a complete picture? Probably not. But I think it's still a valuable one.

rubbish. if Apple allowed proper introspection this would have been discovered months ago and not just in the latest iOS release.

So then why people can't run their hand inspected code on their iOS devices they own ? Why can't people run good privacy respecting GPLv3 licensed applications ?

The walled garden actually makes it harder to run software you and others can check to be sucure, instead you have to depend on some opaque QA somewhere in Apple to check that for you.

Not to mention you can't elect to use software that has features blocked by default for security reasons where you are sure it will not misuse them as you have audited the source (or even written it yourself!).

That's not what iPhones are for. The android market is more for the tinkerer historically, Apple is just supposed to work the way it was intended, always was that way. Android is moving that direction too so not sure what to choose now?

Well, I have never used Android or iOS on my primary mobile device - went directly from cell phone to Maemo on Nokia N900, then MeeGo on Nokia N9 to Sailfish OS where I am to this day, running Sailfiosh OS on supported Xperia devices.

Hopefully, with reasonably open mobile hardware (PinePhone) other open mobile OS efforts will get more traction now, as the main obstacle of mobile OS development to this day has always been closed hardware & all the crapy proprietary software bundled with it.

There was a time when people could run opensource software on their primary computing device, and total privacy control was available immediately, and not dolled out and taken away at the whims of their corporate overlords. Apple has done more to kill opensource, and thus eliminate privacy, than any other company in the history of computing.

I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for saying this (again) but this still doesn't solve the problem of whether Apple themselves are abusing your privacy.

Also, the closed-source OS means it's impossible to see what things are doing under the hood, or modify the behavior of the OS itself to be more privacy friendly.

For example, on Apple if you aren't happy with an app snooping on your IMU data, you're out of luck and can only just choose to not use the app. On Android (by modifying the OS) you can actually send back fake IMU data to make the app think it got the permissions it wanted but really didn't. Or you can let access to your photos, but only let it see a walled garden of a few select photos.

> this still doesn't solve the problem of whether Apple themselves are abusing your privacy

Eventually you have to trust someone. This added transparency from Apple is commendable. I support open source for publicly funded software, but if it's privately owned and funded, you can choose to buy and use it or not. Private companies are not under any moral obligation to open source their code or methods.

Some people are successful while open sourcing everything, and that is commendable too.

>Eventually you have to trust someone. This added transparency from Apple is commendable. I support open source for publicly funded software, but if it's privately owned and funded, you can choose to buy and use it or not. Private companies are not under any moral obligation to open source their code or methods.

Funny how you change your argument mid-paragraph. "It's okay! You have to trust somebody. Or maybe you don't. But anyway, it's a private company, so just don't buy it!"

Well the latter is not what GP was arguing in this thread is it? -.-

You have a choice about where you place your trust. You seem to want me to say "buy it" or "don't buy it" and I'm saying it's up to you.

> Eventually you have to trust someone.

Perhaps, but Apple is the last company I would trust. They work in a culture of secrecy and engineer for obscurity rather than transparency, and that does not make them trustable at all.

> Private companies are not under any moral obligation to open source their code

But I will give far more trust to those who do so, or at least the privacy-critical parts. With Android I need to trust no-one; I can modify things on the OS level that do not necessarily execute apps in the way those apps expect to be executed, and that is the ultimate privacy guarantee.

I own the hardware, so how my hardware runs software should be my choice; the entire set of instructions and APIs for creating phone apps is merely a suggestion for how the OS should execute apps, and how a stock OS executes apps, but does not necessarily reflect how I choose to have my hardware execute them.

Why do you have to eventually trust someone?

Because you would need to write and/or audit your entire technology toolchain — software, build tools, operating systems, hardware, etc — which isn't feasible for anyone.

not a single person, but the sum of all people looking at the different parts. that's how open source works.

I mean, I've known a few developers that worked at apple. I trust them every bit as much as the average developer who reads open source code. They vouched that the code they worked with at apple was attempting to be secure and wasn't trying to steal user's data.

If I'm not going to read the source code myself either way, why should I trust that random open source code-reader X who says "yup, didn't see any malicious code" vs a developer friend who works for apple and says "yup, no malicious code"?

Honestly, more often than not there's a lot of overlap between those people... And I'd bet that there's a ton of eyes I'd trust on iOS's source code given how many devs apple pays to work on it, while I think there's far fewer on most non-corporate open source projects.

I don't think the issue we should worry about will always just be one bad actor in an organisation.

A corporation like Apple (or TikTok) will sometimes decide to implement features that are antithetical to its users best interests, because there's a commercial imperative to do so.

If the code is closed-source, it's more difficult to assess whether this is the case.

I've said this before, but the dogmatic belief that open source automatically means something is safer just isn't true.

In theory it means something could maybe be safer, but it far from guarantees it.

Being able to inspect the code is a necessary but insufficient measure for being secure. If you cannot inspect the source code, you are not fully aware of how the program works.

Tools like strace can help you analyze a program's behavior from the outside, but you get limited insight into its internals (e.g., what algorithms is it using?).

Being open source does not automatically make software more secure. A successful compilation doesn't automatically make your code bug-free. Yet both are necessary to achieve the desired goal: security and correctness, respectively.

How often do you inspect the code of the open source programs you use every day? How about when updates come out? Do you check again?

Or, do you trust that someone has looked at it? How much faith do you have in someone out there in the community?

My point isn't that open source isn't a good thing--my point is that it's not the silver bullet a lot of people blindly assume it to be. Hence the second line of my post:

> In theory it means something could maybe be safer, but it far from guarantees it.

But for a closed source one there’s definitely no way to audit the source code.

Sure there is: tools like strace, dtrace and eBPF let you “peak under the hood” of nearly any application, not to mention disassemblers like IDA Pro and Ghidra.

I have debugged all sorts of issues with closed source applications using these tools.

neither did I say it's automatically safe, nor define "safe" as in bug free.

The commented I replied to implied that one would walk through the entire stack, every line of code, to audit e.g. an app running on a phone. This is most certainly not what OP meant. Rather, on a whole OSS is mostly transparent, while proprietary software is not. There are of course bugs, but that's not the focus here with "safety".

What we care about is intention. Private companies's have a track record in implementing features that go directly against the benefit if their end-users, e.g. tracking or vendor-lock-in. These anti-features, like the one described in the article, are much harder to detect precisely because the software is proprietary.

Sure, but then you're putting your trust in those people. The point was that an individual can't possibly have the time or resources to do it themselves and so, at some point, they have to put their trust in someone else.

And thus you would need to trust those people.

It's better to trust several people, with competing interests, that one single entity. This is like, democracy 101, come on.

Better than trusting a black box from a single business.

The (ongoing) saga of libssh alone should be enough convincing that many eyes do nothing as regards shallowness.

I read in a news paper that one time this search party completely missed a young girl they were looking for. Your logic would dictate that search parties are a waste of time. Is open source a panacea? No, clearly, as you stated. Are more eyes, even untrained ones, better than no eyes? Ask all the people saved by search party volunteers every year.

Wait a minute. So it's better to have government finances be closed to the public, right? Because after all, you would need to audit 100,000s of pages of documents to understand what's going on -- which isn't feasible for anyone.

Homebrew software and hacks aren't feasible solutions for the general population. You can't expect a tech-illiterate person to put up with all of that to protect their right to privacy. Like it or not, solutions like Apples' are much more efficient at protecting 1 billion (exaggeration) people at once.

Not just illiterate. How many people here have the time or desire to inspect every app they use? It's a ridiculous proposition. We all have better things to do.

Obviously the onus isn't on every single user to single handedly verify themselves that the software is correct. Do you check your government's finances yourself? So why should they even publish it? By your logic, that is.

The answer is that if it's open then multiple people with differing interests, such as competitors, or even independent organisations such as non-profit auditors, can check the code.

That's like saying that freedom of speech should be banned because most people have nothing to say. User rights needs to be there for the people who need it. The iPhone is currently a black box where it's very hard to know what is happening in it, that's a big issue in terms of privacy and accountability of the platform, not to mention the anti-competitive behaviours.

Is there a practical solution that isn’t a black box? For the general population, not enthusiasts.

Yes, there's a whole market for Android devices which are both opened and very secure.

I'm not even sure how something like T2 could be done with an open platform

Let the user replace the manufacturer's keys with their own?

Imagine grandma accidentally putting her phone number in instead of an encryption key.

You're right, but you are also missing the point. Consumers in general have access to one of only a few options for computing tasks. To date, of these mainstream options, only Apple is taking a meaningful stance on privacy. Is it self-serving, sub-optimal, or otherwise broken? Probably. Is it the best thing for privacy currently widely available? Probably.

Apple’s approach improves privacy in most contexts for all of its users, enough to shape market practices. Your approach works for a tiny, tiny sliver of people - which, by the nature of population-level snooping and marketing, are irrelevant.

> I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Don't bring it up next time. Reverse psychology (in an attempt to not get downvotes) doesn't work here, it just pisses people off (and is against the rules to complain about), so you WILL receive downvotes for mentioning it.

It happens whether or not I say that actually. Every time I disagree with Apple I get downvoted to oblivion. There are just too many Apple fanboys here who believe Apple is the be-all end-all of everything privacy.

Or what you’re saying doesn’t add to the conversation. Simply blaming ‘fanboys’ isn’t useful. I don’t think any of the responses to you post believe that Apple are the “be-all end-all” of privacy, but they are arguing that for the typical consumer (something that is too often overlooked) they currently provide the best solution available. The critical bit there is typical consumer. If you’re a “power user” (what a horrid expression) and want to go another route, have at it! You have a choice.

> On Android (by modifying the OS)

I’m genuinely curious how you can imagine this is a realistic solution.

Developers could create a third party ROM with the privacy enhancements which users could install.

How is users having to trust third-party developers about privacy features in a ROM different to users having to trust Apple?

Independent audits could be conducted on those privacy enhanced ROMs, if there was enough interest.

I'm not saying this is the most practical solution to this problem but at least it's a possibility.

Anybody can have a look at the ROM to see if it makes sense whereas only Apple can realistically audit the iPhone.

You say “anybody” But I’m not a programmer, I would have no idea what I’m looking at. And trust me, neither would the vast majority of humans.

Beyond that, have you considered the actual average user? You either never worked tech support or forgot. It’s bad out there, it’s like people are moving backwards with computer skills because of phones.

> You say “anybody” But I’m not a programmer, I would have no idea what I’m looking at. And trust me, neither would the vast majority of humans.

That's still a way better outcome than having a single uncountable company being able to do audits.

> Beyond that, have you considered the actual average user? You either never worked tech support or forgot. It’s bad out there, it’s like people are moving backwards with computer skills because of phones.

People are becoming worse with computer skills because manufacturers try very hard to remove owners from how their machine works, I'm not sure going further into this way will help. In a very locked down device like the iPhone, the phone owner can't even understand what it's doing even if they wanted to.

The difference is realistically possible vs not possible.

I think the point stands.

It’s still about trust.

There's nothing to be gained by trusting a large corporation.

By defending user privacy, Apple is able to have a direct affect on the bottom line of its rival corporations.

All corporations behave according to incentives that will help they to progress further than their competitors. If they don't rival coporations will take the lead.

So should why should I trust anyone? The crux of these arguments is essentially anti-capitalism. That’s fine. But be upfront about it. There is a debate to be had around the ethics of privacy in a capitalist free market economy. In this instance, for me at least, Apple is the devil I know. Your point around trusting corporations is totally valid, but I’ve yet to see a similarly valid argument for trusting open source projects. “You can read/compile the source code” is only valid if it is all encompassing. At some point in that line of argument trust still has to be deferred.

Conceptually, trust suggests we don't need to question, or exercise due diligence. I'd argue, in a capitalist system, you definitely shouldn't trust anyone! Capitalism is based on incentive.


So following on from this. Is the crux of these arguments anti-capitalist?

No .. it's not anti-capitalism. It's realistic. Even more realistic if you believe in a capitalism system and want to compete.

I feel that capitalism works most successfully when it provides more people with a better quality of life.

Fundamentally, there are conceptual problems with a capitalist system .. factors that lead to scenarios that are likely to lead to the system operating sub-optimally.

An example of a problem; if a corporation is allowed to grow without limit, how can new companies realistically compete?

The remedy? I guess it's up for discussion. But I think regulation can prevent the worst form occurring, and many markets have measures in place to carry out this type of regulation.


Why am I saying this?

Because I feel that open-source is simply a remedy to a conceptual problem that exists within our capitalist economy. It is not antithetical to capitalism.

Namely, the question it serves to answer is; how do we balance the power provided by digital technologies with the incentive companies have to exploit these powers for commercial gain?

Open-source is a logical answer to this. You could argue, we don't have the tools available to highlight any injustices contained in a code-base. My answer would be .. that doesn't mean we conceptually couldn't or won't in the future.

Closed source is a conceptual dead end - and won't lead to a better future.

Android is open source, iOS is not.

The Android almost everyone uses is not open source.

The iOS _everyone_ uses is not open source.

Check out the Xposed framework. It's pretty neat.

> Or you can let access to your photos, but only let it see a walled garden of a few select photos.

iOS 14 has this now.

And any access to sensitive data always prompts you. And if you deny the request it sends empty data back to the app. Exactly like what you describe.

Yes but you could do this on Android since version 1 because it was open source. You could always modify the OS to spit out fake sensor data and appease apps that would otherwise not run if you didn't give them permissions.

My privacy shouldn't depend on Tim Cook's product management timeline.

I hate how our options are "Choose apple and blindly trust them" or "Chose android an see in the open that your data is being abused"

You forgot option 3: use Lineage+microg and enjoy the most private and secure platform available on a smartphone today. But if you chose the first one then you can't, because apple won't let you choose the software that runs on the equipment you bought.

I used to use linageOS no gapps and I loved it but then my nexus 5x died and I got a pixel 2 and linageOS support stopped at the pixel 1. It seems to me that the age of custom roms is over. Android got good enough that the only reason for a custom rom was privacy and extended updates. Since the pixel 2 is still updated there is no reason other than privacy and I guess no one was willing to put in the work for just that.

> Since the pixel 2 is still updated there is no reason other than privacy


- The ability to run Android without Google. - The ability to change the location of your clock. - The ability to have some apps open with the status bar and navbar and some not. - The ability to change your WiFi network without opening settings (yes, I'm still upset they removed that. I use an Android 8 tablet daily, so I'm unlikely to forget). - Adding invisible left/right dpad buttons and a menu button in my navbar. - Change the number of quick settings. - Change the screen dpi (this is implemented these days, I think, but only with 3-5 settings available) - use adb without first plugging into a computer. Maybe I'm going somewhere and I'll need to restart my phone. - run Linux in a chroot (far better than proot) - install Fdroid privileged extension without losing access to security updates.

You can say full well that you don't care about these, you don't have to care. However, these are all things that you can't do without an alternative ROM (or without rooting, which loses access to updates).

Still, it doesn't support my phone....the only thing that keeps me from jumping on Lineage.

I don't understand why this is controversial: companies will continue to abuse us so long as there is a profit incentive to do so.

In that Reddit thread the author of a Reddit app mentions that they look at the clipboard to see if you have a Reddit link, and offer to open that page in the app (as iOS offers no better way).

On Twitter I saw a. Doing app mention they trigger the notification on every key press because they have custom ‘paste’ button that only shows when you have something copied.

For Apollo's use case there's a solution: iOS 14 adds a new API that lets you perform a pattern match against the contents of the clipboard. That way Apollo can attempt to match a Reddit link, and only actually read the clipboard if that match is successful.

Yeah the dev has commented on that. It sounds like they had a legit use case and will be using the new API.

Sounds like that’s the Apollo app. It’s a pretty nice feature but I find it only seems to work for me when I open the app, so I have to force close it. There’s probably a button for it somewhere, but having one on the home page (or similar) seems like it would be equally good or better UX while also getting the users consent to read their clipboard (since they’re clicking the button).

Really nice app in general though.

Yep, for Apollo app, it makes sense why he does it. But for other apps like TikTok, it makes no sense. I wonder if the app also sends the clipboard data after that. Someone should look into network requests being made.

TikTok also has web URLs that they could open in the app, as do many other apps.

That’s a different situation though.

iOS supports universal links, so a website and iOS application can indicate that when you open a link to the website but have the application installed, the application opens and takes you to the content. This is what TikTok can use to open links to TikTok in the application.

But this isn’t a general purpose website => app association. Only the website owner can allow an application to do this. You wouldn’t want, say, Google to set up their application to open DuckDuckGo URLs, for instance.

So when it comes to third-party Reddit clients, they can’t automatically open reddit.com URLs because they don’t own reddit.com. The clipboard trick is a workaround for that.

It’s worth noting that if iOS allowed for setting default apps like other operating system this wouldn’t be as much of an issue because then I could always open a reddit link in the app of my choice and no longer need the clipboard workflow.

Do these other apps do it for every keystroke? Do TikTok's competitors, other popular social media apps, do this?

>It seems like a ton of apps are abusing this feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRSWdtoUAjo

Okay, this could be simply a dynamic link library checking for a deep link in the clipboard.

Why do this? To preserve the state after install.

Firebase does it. When you click on a deep link but you don't have the app installed, the webpage would copy the url to clipboard and open the App Store, after you install the app and open it Firebase would check the clipboard and take you to the the correct screen.

The apps in the video don't need to be malicious, they simply could be checking if there's a deep link in the clipboard to restore user session.

Of course, with iOS 14 the best practice would be to do this only once after the install.

That's all well and good, but as a privacy-conscious user I still want to (a) know about it and (b) be able to control/disable it.

Wait of apps can use clipboard to track me from Safari into their app then I’m super glad I get notified about that now!

... what?

Yes? That's the definition of a deep link? The way you get notified is you open their app...

This is a special case when you don't already have the app installed, but being able to read the clipboard without warning is it's own thing, but this specific deep link use-case is extremely benign...

Ideally, we’d be able to differentiate between local parsing (which I’d deem acceptable) and a remote request, but that quickly enters a gray area. How long after parsing do we validate a request? Is it even viable for a compiler to track the status of a property beyond assignment? And for how long? etc.

1Password grabs the clipboard whenever I open the app, whether or not I'm even in a text field. Can't think of why it needs to do that..

It’s for two factor auth tokens. When I fill in a password it copies my two factor code to the clipboard, then ~30 seconds later it restores the original clipboard content.

All pretty silly all things considered but I can’t think of an easier way to do things.

I wonder if it so they can restore the keyboard when you copy a password? I know they could copy it at time of copy as well but just a thought.

my guess is that it's checking to see if it can clear the clipboard or if you copied something else

The app does a check for URLs and will offer to open the URL using its own browser if it detects one.

Reading around it looks like there are better APIs for doing this, where you can ask iOS is the clipboard contains a string matching a pattern, which actually getting access to the content.

"It seems like a ton of apps are abusing this feature:"

Honest question: Why do we need this feature?

As a user, I am happy to sacrafice whatever benefit it provides -- to end users -- to stop the abuse. Obviously the feature provides benefits to app developer personal data collectors.

OK by me to remove feature.

I've never seen a "I will paste your clipboard for you" feature be used in any app, ever.

Discord and other apps will paste in one-time codes from the clipboard. Copy code from an authenticator app and switch back to the app. The code gets auto-pasted into the box.

It's pretty handy since paste itself is a somewhat cumbersome shortcut on many keyboardless devices.

A dictionary app I use looks at the clipboard when opened and automatically displays a translation iff 1) the copied text is new compared to the previous time the app was used; and 2) the text is in the source language.

It's a pretty neat use of the feature, although I'd still gladly let go of it if it means that the other 20 apps I regularly use don't get to rummage through my clipboard for no good reason.

I like parcel tracking apps detecting a tracking number in clipboard

Is it also fine that tracking apps read all your passwords in the clipboard?

Agreed that this downside is not worth the convenience. But, I think iOS 14 provides a great solution to this problem; you can pattern match against the contents of the clipboard without reading the contents. Then you can always read it if it matches.

One I use regularly is that Chrome on iOS does it when you open a new tab. It offers to search for the text in clipboard or go to the URL if it's URL format.

The Apollo for Reddit app checks if you have a Reddit URL in the clipboard and proposes to open it if so.

"Companies just cannot be trusted with x" has been repeated and repeated for the last decades.

I think the conclusion is "Companies just cannot be trusted". At all. With anything.

We should assume guilty unless proven overthise for companies. They should go out of their way to show us their good will.

I have a feeling like many of the apps are reading the clipboard on the launch because they probably act on copied text (e.g. if it's a link or a number, they can use that to show a suggested user action).

Obviously I might be wrong, but we live in times where many applications are reverse engineered and their traffic is MITM'ed all the time. I'm not sure if anyone’s sending those clipboard contents outside the device. That would be a problem.

How, exactly, are they abusing it? Are you suggesting that they send the contents of the clipboard back to their servers? Do you have any proof that they are using the clipboard for nefarious purposes?

It’s disappointing to see the lack of skepticism applied on a site like Hacker News.

What's a legitimate, non-nefarious reason for an app to do that?

The contents of your clipboard _can_ be directly related to the functionality of an app.

For example, a link saving app like Pocket might check if your clipboard currently contains a URL when you open it. That allows the app turn a slightly tedious operation (tap/hold input field to bring up context menu, tap paste, tap button to save) into a single tap ("save copied URL?").

Whether or not the convenience is worth it might be debatable, but I fail to see how one would call that nefarious.

It's worth noting that Pocket does check if your clipboard currently contains a URL and does show such a banner. I think it's a handy feature.

There a APIs in iOS (which existed before iOS 14) that allow you ask the OS if the clipboard content matches a pattern (e.g. is it a URL) that doesn’t trigger the warning in iOS 14.

It does appear that lots of apps don’t use these APIs, the developers probably never knew the existed till now, but there is a privacy preserving method of the building the functionality you talk of.

> There a APIs in iOS (which existed before iOS 14) that allow you ask the OS if the clipboard content matches a pattern (e.g. is it a URL)

I don’t think that’s the case. You can check if there’s a URL in the clipboard but that’s a UTI thing.

Most of the URLs would likely be in the “strings” section of the clipboard.

Aren't they just checking with an UTI? So for example a package tracking app can't ask if it contains strings matching patterns describing common package tracking code formats?

True (and I'm aware of those APIs). Just pointing out that "I want to know what's on the system clipboard without the user explicitly pasting" does not automatically equal trying to hoover up your data and phone home with it.

The maker of the Apollo Reddit app chimed in on the reddit thread that his app would check to see if a reddit URL was in the clipboard and offer to take you to that page.

Chrome uses it so the URL appears when you select the address bar.

Sounds like Chrome doesn't do it in background.

Some apps detect if you have a 2FA auth code copied and auto-pastes it. I think Discord might be one? I can't remember which, but I've seen it on at least one app.

I can totally expect others to detect copied URLs that may belong to the app's domain and then offer to direct you to that particular URL (for example, I think the SomethingAwful app on iOS does that - if it detects a forums.somethingawful address it'll offer to load that particular thread for you).

That said, I definitely want to see more visibility about when and why this is done. Apple are absolutely in the right to show me a popup whenever it happens, so apps are forced to be clear and transparent about it.

There was an example on Twitter of a coding app offering a custom "paste" button that’s only enabled if they have something on the clipboard.

Session restoration after install. Explained here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23635223

I can guarantee you that there are tons of apps that send your clipboard verbatim to their analytics services, because some product manager "wants to see the data".

> It seems like a ton of apps are abusing this feature

Can they, if Background Refresh is off for the app? I allow it only for Apple apps.

Generally, no. But there are ways for an app to stay active in the background. Some are grounds for App Store suspension. Music playing apps may stay somewhat active in the background. However, I don't know if the clipboard API will still work when an app is in the background.

Why were this apps approved by the app store?

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