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Interactive Map of Linux Kernel (makelinux.github.io)
407 points by ghj on June 8, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Is there a newer version of this? This is for Linux 2.6.36, released October 2010.

I've recently played around with defining connections between various parts of a codebase (Java classes). I used imports as the edges and the results were very difficult to interpret. This map seems overwhelmingly simple by comparison. How are the connections made?

For Java, I had really good results with Sourcetrail: https://www.sourcetrail.com

It looks like they did a good job of cleaning things up visually by making "cross-category" connections very light in color.

I have used Enterprise Architect a couple of times.


why exactly is it necessary for this site to load a script from Facebook?

In less-polite terms: the Facebook "like button" is abusive to people visiting your site.

These widgets are also how facebook is able to fingerprint and track people who don't have facebook accounts.

Great point. it is how Facebook gathers almost global info from the web to feed their db and use with impunity. did Facebook record my id when I visited the page and tie the event to my Facebook user id? The answer is likely yes weather I have an active fb account or not. FB is a network, not a platform, that has turned into a massive surveillance and population mind control tool used by those who own and have influence over the network. For the sake of all users this must change. For the sake of the free internet.

Friendly reminder Google is this x100.

"Content" blockers are now important privacy hygiene. Google has been both neutering those and giving themselves special fingerprinting tokens in Chrome:



I truly don't understand why anyone would use Chrome or Chromium for anything that isn't strictly work-related.

I agree but that’s unlikely. In the meantime my ublock origin blocks 100% of this bullshit anywhere on the web and nextdns does the same for my console, “smart” tv, and iPhone.

Very useful view of the Linux kernel. Is this generated from source code by some tool? Would love to know the process that went into creating this.

It looks like this is the script that generates it.


Wow, this is AWESOME. Congratulations. It's undoubtedly useful.

I stole the link from this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23451288 I have no idea where this is from!

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